Tag: financial planning

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5 Ways You Can Financially Prepare For A Recession

The recent strains in the economy point to a potential recession. We are struggling to control inflation and things seem out of control. A...

How to Close The Financial Gap in Your Financial Plan

There is a pronounced disparity between perception and reality when it comes to financial planning. A plan needs a well-coordinated smart risk and tax...

The Importance of Compound Interest And Reinvestment

When I was much much younger, I watched an episode of Futurama that really stuck with me. It was episode six, 'A Fishful...

Why New Year’s Resolutions Are Pointless

On this day, the 28th day of 2021, Let's review the year so far.Have you abandoned you all your New Year's resolutions...

10 Achievable Personal Financial Goals for The New Year

If you haven't done this already, you need to set personal finance goals towards financial security. Without having these goals, you are putting yourself...


How to Save, Spend, and Think Rationally About Money

Financial concerns can cause stress, regardless of income level....

4 Empowering Tiers to Navigate Your Journey to Financial Independence

Financial freedom goes beyond mere independence from external constraints....

7 Essential Factors to Consider While Buying Property in Kenya as a Foreigner

Your Guide to Buying Property in Kenya as a...

Currency Trading in Kenya: Unleash Your Profit Potential in the Forex Market

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world...


