Personal Finance

5 Financial Trends That Could Shape Your Finances in 2023

What are some of the biggest financial trends shaping our decisions in 2023?The pandemic, the war and then an election year left the economy...

A Comprehensive Beginners Guide to Buying Land In Kenya

Are you in the process of buying land in Kenya? Here is a comprehensive beginners guide to buying land in Kenya:Step 1: Identify the...

6 Levels of Climbing the Wealth Ladder

The best way to climb the wealth ladder is to spend money according to your level.However, the path to wealth isn't a meandering...

5 Steps To Developing A Winning Financial Plan

We spend our lives planning; our next holiday, for a family, buying a yacht! Being able to realize our plans requires objectives, information, organization...

Recession-Proof Your Life: How to Thrive During Difficult Times

Recession-proof refers to entities or individuals that do not decline in value during a recession, ergo weather economic downturn better than everyone else.More...


