
Easy to Get Loans Without Security in Kenya Today

A majority of Kenyans are using loans as a means of survival, making credit their source of livelihood. Additionally,the cost of living keeps rising...

Flat Interest Rate vs Reducing Balance Rate, Which One Saves You Money?

When shopping for a loan, one of the key factors to consider is the interest rate. Some financial institutions will offer you a "Flat...

4 Proven Ways To Get Rich

In reality, there is no secret to becoming rich, just time-tested approaches. These time-tested approaches require the adoption of rich habits - cause and...

5 Ways You Can Financially Prepare For A Recession

The recent strains in the economy point to a potential recession. We are struggling to control inflation and things seem out of control. A...

How Does Inflation Affect Your Investments and Savings?

The sustained, broad and quick rise in prices of goods and services, is seriously eroding purchasing power. A nation's goal is to maintain a...


